


誌名 出版社 所蔵
継続 請求記号 配架場所
Harper'sHarper's Magazine Foundation253(1516-1519), 270-276, 277(1658-1661, 1663), 278-279, 280(1676-1680), 282(1690-1693), 283-3131976-2006P00-006
Harper's MagazineHarper and Brothers192(1148, 1150-1153), 193(1154-1157), 194(1161-1165), 195, 196(1173-1177), 197-201, 202(1209-1213), 203-205, 206(1232-1238), 207(1239-1243), 210(1256, 1258), 211(1266-1267), 212(1269, 1271-1273), 213(1276), 215(1290), 216(1292-1294), 252(1508-1513), 253(1514)1946-1976P00-006
Harvard Business ReviewGraduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University31(1-3, 5-6), 32, 34-37, 38(2-6), 39-78, 79(1-11), 80-91, 92(1-5, 7-10)1953-2014継続中P67-004
Harvard Educational ReviewGraduate School of Education, the Harvard University18, 19(2), 20-21, 22(1)1948-1952P37-006集密雑誌
Harvard International Law JournalHarverd International Law Journal Association19-20, 21(1), 22-29, 30(2), 31-54, 55(1-2)1978-2014継続中P32-032
Harvard journal of Asiatic studiesHarvard-Yenching Institute1-471936-1987P22-011集密雑誌
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Harvard-Yenching Institute 1-68 1936-2008 JSTOR
Harvard Law ReviewHarvard Law Review Association67-101, 102(1-5, 8), 104-120, 122-126, 127(1-8)1953-2014継続中P32-004-1979年までは集密雑誌
Harvard Studies in Romance Languages [Reprint ed.]Kraus Repint1-11, 13-17, 19-251915-1954P87-003集密雑誌
HemisphereAustralian Govt. Pub21-23, 24(1-3), 25, 26(1-4, 6)1977-1982P27-001集密雑誌
Hindustan year-book and who's whoM.C.Sarker281960-1960P30-118集密雑誌
Hispania [Reprint ed.]Kraus Reprint1-59, 60(1-3), 61, 62(1, 4), 63-721918-1989P86-007集密雑誌
Hispania : A Journal Devoted to the Interests of the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese.American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese34-74, 75(1-3, 5), 76-96, 97(1-3)1951-2014継続中P86-007-1989年までは集密雑誌
Hispania American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese 1-95 1917-2012 JSTOR
Hispanic Review : A Quarterly Journal Devoted to Research in the Hispanic Language & LiteraturesUniversity of Pennsylvan ia Press1-41, 43-741933-2006P86-003
Hispanic Review University of Pennsylvania Press 1- 1933-(直近4年は利用不可) JSTOR
Historische Sprachforschung = Historical linguisticsVandenhoeck & Ruprecht101-123, 1251988-2012継続中P80-026
History of Political EconomyDuke U. Pr.1-161969-1984P33-194集密雑誌
History todayHistorical Association14-26, 27(1-9, 11-12), 281964-1978P20-004集密雑誌
Human RelationsTavistock Institute of Human Relations15-32, 33(4-12), 34-40, 41(1, 3-12), 42-511962-1998P30-021集密雑誌
