岡本義裕 (おかもとよしひろ)
Associate Professor
Yoshihiro OKAMOTO

最終学歴(学位) Degrees

兵庫教育大学大学院連合学校教育学研究科(後期博士課程)学校教育実践学専攻 単位取得退学(教育学修士)

研究分野 Research Field


― 体験活動と話し合い活動の一体化・一連化による「探究サイクル」を学習展
開の中核に据えて ―

Study on practical theory of "the Class of Integrated Study" to recover
its essence and activate it again.

The focus will be on the research cycle constructed through the
unification and sequencing of discussion activities looking at solutions
to problems and experiential activities as the core of inquiry process.

教育研究業績 Recent Publications and Presentations
