


誌名 出版社 所蔵
継続 請求記号 配架場所
Yale French Studies Yale University Press 1- 1948-(直近2年は利用不可) JSTOR
Yale Law JournalYale Law Journal Company88, 89(1-3), 90-97, 98(1-7), 99-103, 105(1-2, 4-8), 106-122, 123(1-8)1978-2014継続中P32-042
Yearbook of Anthropology The University of Chicago Press; Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research 1955 1955 JSTOR
Yearbook of the International Law Commission [Reprint ed.]Kraus Reprint1949-1957, 1959-1960, 19621949-1962P32-093大型
Yearbook of the International Law CommissionUnited Nations1961, 1981(1), 1982(1), 1983(1), 1984(1), 1985-1994, 1995(1), 1996, 1997(1)1961-1997P32-093集密雑誌
Yearbook of the United NationsUnited Nations, Office of Public Information1946-1967; 22-34, 36-531946-1967; 1968-1999P32-064
The Year Book of World AffairsStevens24-26, 28-371970-1983P31-078集密雑誌
The Year's work in English studies Reprint ed., 2nd edJohnson Reprint1-41, 431919-1962P83-020集密雑誌
The Year's work in English studiesOxford University Press42, 44-491961-1968P83-020集密雑誌
Yelmo : La Revista del Profesor de EspanolYELMO1-631971-1985P86-013集密雑誌
York papers in linguisticsUniversity of York, Dept. of Language3-5, 7-121973-1986P80-082集密雑誌
Yugoslav Survey : A Record of Facts and InformationJugoslovenska Stvarnost1, 2(4-6), 3, 4(12, 14-15), 5-7, 8(1, 3), 9-14, 15(2-4), 16-27, 28(2-4), 29-30, 31(3)1960-1990P30-030集密雑誌
