Hollenback, Michael David (マイケル・デイヴィッド・ホリンバック)
Associate Professor
Hollenback, Michael David


写真: マイケル・デイヴィッド・ホリンバック Michael David HollenbackI hope students take advantage of their four years of university to learn, develop, and discover, not only about the world, but about themselves as well. Personally, I think that we should always focus our efforts on improving the lives of others, and I hope that this perspective can be reflected in my classes and research.

最終学歴 Degrees

B.A. - International Relations - University of Central Florida

M.A. - Applied Linguistics - University of Leicester

PhD - Education and Social Justice - Lancaster University

研究分野 Research Field

My research looks at the field/industry of English as a Foreign Language education through a critical framework. I investigate EFL in a historical, political, and social context and seek to find ways in which to incorporate Social Justice into its epistemology and pedagogy.


Sociology of English Language Education, Critical Applied Linguistics, Social Justice Education

外国語としての英語教育の社会学, 批判的応用言語学, 社会正義教育

教育研究業績 Recent Publications and Presentations
