









学長 指 昭博

本学のInterpretation Study Group (通訳勉強会)が本学の留学生向けに英訳しました。


Even after six months since the outbreak began, the pandemic of COVID-19 has not been stamped out yet, which no one expected at the beginning of the year. Moreover, compared to the spring, the number of infectees has been increasing more and more. The situation has seriously affected especially the younger generation. It is said that the current wave this summer includes many cases of mild symptoms. However, even in mild cases, our bodies can be badly subjected to the infection. It may cause long-term aftereffects that damage our daily lives. Regardless of its severity, we should take this illness seriously.

Preventive measures need to be taken with caution as many things remain unknown about the virus. Most students have fixed schedules in primary and secondary education, which allows schools to anticipate their activities. At universities, on the other hand, quite a few individuals spend their time differently, making it even more difficult to develop effective measures.

Previous cases have shown that the number of cases increases when people leave home and are in contact with others more often. We need to try and minimize the risk, if not to zero. We ought to act in a humble manner particularly when we only have a little knowledge of the new virus.

Our priority as a university is to resume face-to-face classes. Your faculty is discussing ways to reopen the classes partially, if not all of them. We are also working on securing educational materials that you will need once physical classes restart.

We cannot be too careful when taking the step to return to normal life, considering we are facing COVID-19.

If we become too enthusiastic, we may go too far and ruin ourselves easily.

It is truly understandable how much you make the most of your university lives. Things you do at university, such as studies, club activities, and meeting lots of different people, will be invaluable and support the rest of your lives. However, your current passion should not make you reckless. I need you to look not merely at the present but also to the future.

Life isn't short. You may lose what matters to you or give up on many things in your life. But failure does not mean an end. Failure can help us move forward. Failure can help enrich our mentality to understand the pain of others. When we get out of the current crisis, I am sure we will be much bigger and stronger than we were.

August 13th, 2020

Akihiro SASHI
